
This website is for the Stubbs families descending from Jesse Thomas and Lucinda Taylor Stubbs.

The continuation and redesign of this website is possible through two very generous family donations.
One contribution was dedicated in loving memory of Nelson J. Stubbs Jr. (April 7, 1941 -- March 18, 2014).
Nelson Stubbs
Nelson was a kind, gentle soul whose humility, compassion, love and devotion to family, celebration of others differences, and fun-loving spirit will continue to live on through each of us. He, and the way he lived his life on this earth, is a shining example of the common threads that are woven throughout time into the whole of the Stubbs family.

Until we meet again - past and present.

Jesse Thomas Stubbs was born in 1807 probably in Roane Co, TN and died October 22, 1871. Lucinda W. Taylor was born in 1816 in Tennessee and died September 9, 1873. Both are buried in the Stubbs Cemetery in rural Mountain Grove, Missouri. Jesse Thomas and Lucinda were married in Tennessee in 1837, moved west and settled near Ozark, Missouri. Later they moved near Mountain Grove, Missouri. Three of their eleven sons (Robert Patterson, McCord Roberts, and Jasper Newton) came in covered wagons to Platte County around 1870. They had 13 children.
(Click on any underlined name for more information)
  1. Christopher Columbus Stubbs
  2. Marshall Martin Stubbs
  3. Barzela Houston Stubbs
  4. Thomas Benton Stubbs
  5. McCord Roberts Stubbs
  6. James Knox Stubbs
  7. Doctor Benjamin Franklin Stubbs
  8. John Randolph Stubbs
  9. Newlin Davis Stubbs
  10. Robert Patterson Stubbs
  11. Male Stubbs died in infancy
  12. Female Stubbs died in infancy
  13. Jasper Newton Stubbs